Reimagining Fundraising Second Edition: From ideas to piloting solutions

Summary: In 2022, a group of international nonprofit organizations (INGOs) joined forces and ran Reimagining Fundraising in the second edition. You can look at the open innovation challenge website and the updated Solutions Marketplace we published.

Twelve major INGOs who came together in the Reimagining Fundraising program have announced six innovative fundraising projects that will be piloted in 2023 to identify new ways of raising money for social change.  Each project, matching a participating non-profit organization with a solution provider, will receive seed funding provided by Twilio, the main sponsor of the initiative, along with HYPE, Blackbaud, and the 12 co-initiating international organizations (INGOs).  

Earlier this year, the international INGOs outlined their fundraising innovation challenges and invited startups, agencies, NGOs, academics, and others to propose creative solutions that can transform the way we raise funds and increase social impact.

Seventeen applications were nominated by INGOs from more than 120 proposed solutions, and six of them were chosen for seed funding and support.   Reimagining Fundraising was initiated by leading international NGOs, UNICEF, WWF, UNHCR, SOS Children’s Villages, MSF, World Vision, Amnesty International, Four Paws, ICRC (Red Cross), OXFAM, CARE International and Plan International.   

“This moment right now is truly unprecedented in time. We are coming together as a sector, as a global movement to innovate, in an area that we have traditionally competed in to find tomorrow’s solutions that will take us to the next level.”  – Diana Ruano, Global Head of Fundraising, Innovation and Capacity Building, UNHCR.
Reimagining Fundraising would not have been possible without the sponsorship of Twilio, Blackbaud, and HYPE. Twilio has also agreed to provide seed funding for six winning projects.   Thank you to everybody who has contributed, shared, submitted and celebrated our solutions and followed the Reimagining Fundraising Challenge! 

Our journey does not end here, the open source Solutions Marketplace will continue to inspire & raise funds across the world. Have a look!   


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