Global Fundraising Leadership Programme

CARE International & Fundraising Radicals


The Global Radicals: Fundraising Leadership Programme is being delivered by the Fundraising Radicals. This is a 12-month programme that aims to mobilise local and regional capacity for high-value fundraising, as a strategy for building the financial resilience and income diversity of local civil society organisations and regional NGO partners.


Craig Pollard

Fundraising Radicals

Cath Hoban

CARE Australia

James Huitson

CARE Secretariat

Personal inspirational quotes from implementer(s) 

“Supporting the talented people we already have in our organisation to pivot and sharpen their skills in the direction of high-value fundraising will help us to diversify our income generation and shift power in our Confederation”

“We want the CARE International family to be financially strong, drawing support from a diverse range of sources.  We want our members and staff in the global south to have a stronger voice and financial independence is one of the routes to achieving this.  We have big hopes for the Global Radicals Programme and in 12 months time we want to be able to see a cohort of colleagues who have grown the skills, confidence and experience they need to prosper in their careers in this area, to be having new conversations with new types of donors, and of course, be on-track to raise a healthy amount of funding that will build their sustainability and resilience.”

James Huitson

CARE International

Traditionally, regional programmes teams in INGOs exposure to fundraising is via complex, technical proposals for overseas donors, and the related programme design and delivery. Our aim for the Global Radicals programme is to create a new intention and a new space for conversations about high-value fundraising from local and regional sources, including corporates, wealthy individuals, and other local funders. We’re walking alongside and supporting a global community of new high-value fundraisers – we’re engaging these global participants – from Peru, to Kenya, to Timor Leste – to share new perspectives and examples of best practice and success from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, and equipping them with relevant tools and knowledge that build their own unique approaches to deliver high-value funding partnerships.”

Craig Pollard

Founder Fundraising Radicals


What is the challenge the project is addressing? 

To engage, empower, and equip civil society organisations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, with the relevant tools and knowledge of high-value fundraising to build equitable local, regional and global funding partnerships – as a strategy for financial independence and resilience.


What is the main objective of the project?

To diversify our sources of income by accessing local sources of revenue through our members and offices in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East – using an approach that is grounded in fundraising experiences of Civil Society Organisations based in the Global South.

To explore a people-focused approach to building portfolios of high-value funding partners that builds local and regional funding, and increases the efficiency of overseas funding approaches

To strengthen our members and shift power in our offices in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East by achieving greater financial independence and reducing reliance on funders in Europe and North America.

To create a broad community of fundraising professionals across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America which draws on the skills and experiences of participants for its success and inspiration.

Test / Experiment

What is the specific test / experiment?

The pilot will has three distinct stages

Part 1 – Curriculum Development, Programme Infrastructure, Technical Development, and Participant Recruitment

It is important that this work is not a imposition of global north fundraising methodology on places where that wouldn’t work. The approach to high-value fundraising has been designed in partnership with hundreds of civil society organisations in the global south and is grounded in their experiences.

The approach combines universal fundraising techniques and offers a range of strategic frameworks that can be populated with local skills, networks, and knowledge – so fundraising staff can build their confidence and their own unique approaches that suit their context, and can apply this knowledge and the skills to their communities and markets to deliver financial support for their work.

It is also important that we minimise the effect of fluency in English as a barrier to entry. The live webinars form the core of the programme and the on-demand online course, will be delivered simultaneously in English, Spanish, French (and Arabic) and have translated materials, videos, etc. In addition, the English parts of the programme (e.g. the podcast) is transcribed and translated into these languages.

Participants will be broadly self-selecting – the right people to complete the programme will be the people passionate enough to want to take part. However they will need management support to free up time and support participants’ desire to make space for high-value fundraising, with the practical support they need to do this. Internal marketing and connections through the CARE Academy will drive this process

Part 2 – Delivery and Community Building

The project had its first live webinars in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East in October 2023.

Regular sessions (which build a bank of immediately usable knowledge) will continue for 12 months and at the end participants will have received comprehensive training in high-value fundraising leadership, tools and tactics, which they will have actively applied.

This exists in an ecosystem of peer support and accountability. Course support materials are available through a central online resource and global south experts will be featured in regular podcasts and masterclasses via the programme’s global faculty.

Participants will also have access to a community of peers, which will be launched in November 2023, this will provide opportunities for connection and peer-to-peer learning, as well as a place to monitor the progress of the programme, gain insight into the challenges and opportunities for new content and methods of delivery.

Part 3 – Impact & Advocacy, Ongoing Strength

The impact of the Global Radicals Fundraising Leadership Programme will be shared in September/October 2024 within the Fundraising Radicals “Impact & Advocacy Report” that will also provide recommendations as to how civil society organisations, funders, and large NGOs can continue to support the mobilisation of high-value fundraising capacity in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.

Our investment in this programme will directly impact the capacity and confidence of high-value fundraising across the Confederation and equip members to build their fundraising income.

This is also an investment in building the high-value fundraising capacity of the international development sector – this training opportunity was also offered to our NGO partners.

We anticipate that all of the programme participants (more than 900, from 80+ countries) will continue to use these skills to build careers within their countries, and regions, thereby helping to diversify and strengthen civil society for years to come.


The project started in March 2023, with live sessions beginning in October 2023, which will run until September 2024.


Milestones Name of Milestone / Project Point Deadline (rough month / Quarter indication)
M1 Materials Translation, Internal Consultation, and Programme Design (systems and processes)

Completed: April 2023

Mostly completed, some parts outstanding and some parts ongoing.

M2 Participant engagement strategy developed and launched (including digital marketing) Completed: April 2023
M3 Community Level 1  (FREE Radicals) Design, Launch and Delivery

Launch: April 2023

New Full Launch: September 2023

M4 Community Level 2  (Fundraising Radicals Online Course) Launch and Delivery 

Launch: July 2023

New Full Launch: September 2023

M5 Community Level 3  (Global Fundraising Leadership Programme) Launch and Delivery Launch: September 2023
M6 25% of Global Fundraising Leadership Programme (Live Webinar-Workshops) Delivered  December 2023

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